Ethnographic Revue 3-4/1993

No. 4, Vol. 3 (1993)

Date of publishing: 11. 12. 1993
Journal in PDF

Etnografie a etnologie na Masarykově univerzitě v letech 1919-1939 (Richard Jeřábek)
Slovesná folkloristika na Masarykově univerzitě v letech 1919-1939 (Martina Pavlicová)
Píseň jako živý útvar (Jan Trojan)
O Moravském roku 1914 (Rozmluva Dušana Holého s Vladimírem Ševčíkem a Martinou Pavlicovou )
Fotografie A. Václavíka z luhačovického Zálesí (Karel Pavlištík)
Zámecká knihovna hrabat Magnisů ve Strážnici (Luboš Antonín)
Mohu si vás, lidi, vyfotit? (Jaromír Šlosar)
K devadesátinám profesora Karla Langra (Karel Pavlištík)
Čtyři ztráty evropské etnologie (Richard Jeřábek)
Zpěv a pěsničky, to bylo moje (Dušan Holý)
Za Jankou Guzovou-Beckovou (Ondrej Demo)
Festival českého folklóru podruhé (Jan M. Krist)
Pěvecká soutěž na MFF Strážnice ´93 (Dušan Holý)
Dolňácké slavnosti 1993 (Josef Jančář)
IV. MFF Brno 1993 (Jan M. Krist)
21. etnomuzikologický seminář (Marta Toncrová)
Diskuse "Češi a střední Evropa. Etnicita, identita, integrace" (Blanka Soukupová)
"Miloš Malina a jeho svět" ve Středočeském muzeu v Roztokách (Irena Štěpánová)
Lidové masky České zimy (Irena Štěpánová)
Na kamna Machaina (Richard Jeřábek)
Vánoce v Polabí (Irena Štěpánová)
Dvakrát k etnologické evropeistice (Richard Jeřábek)
Karel Pavlištík: Domácká výroba dřevěného nářadí a náčiní na Podřevnicku (Josef Jančář)
Marta Šrámková - Marta Toncrová : Ty ranšpurské zvony zvoňá... (Věra Thořová)
O kraslicích snadno, rychle a hanebně (Richard Jeřábek)
Řecké pohádky a saské pověsti (R. J.)
Generální kongres CIOFF v Dublinu (Martina Pavlicová)
Mezinárodní organizace lidového umění (I.O.V.) (Radomil Rejšek)
Antropologie a etika ve východní Evropě (Dušan Holý, Dagmar Štěpánková)

Obsah ročníku 1993

The double issue of Národopisná revue 3-4/1993 contains three studies and a great number of interesting news items and reviews. A study by a professor of Masaryk University in Brno, Richard Jeřábek, presents a highly instructive overview of the development of ethnography and ethnology teaching at this university from its foundation in 1919, up to the establishment of the Seminary of Ethnography and Ethnology in 1946. Jeřábek focuses on the important individuals who prepared ground for the creation of a separate Department of Ethnology, especially Professors Bohuslav Horák, Vojtěch Suk, Frank Wollman and Stanislav Souček. The most important, however, was Prof. Antonín Václavik, who completed his habilitace and was made a docent at the Philosophical Faculty of Masaryk University in 1934, but did not manage to found a separate department until after World War II.

A paper, by Dr. Martina Pavlicová, on the study of oral folklore, carried out between 1919 and 1939 at Masaryk University, is of a similar structure. She evaluates the outstanding works of literary scholarship of those individuals who worked at the Philosophical Faculty at that time. Professors Frank Wollman, Jiří Horák and Stanislav Souček each devoted a large part of their work to oral folklore and influenced a number of younger scholars, for instance Robert Smetana. Even today, their works are truly inspiring.

A study by the composer and theoretician, Prof. Jan Trojan, (Píseň jako živý útvar" - "Song as a Living Form"), deals with the musical folkloristic work of Professor Vladimír Úlehla, especially his book Živá píseň (Living Song). Trojan analyzes the melodies and harmonies of songs recorded by Úlehla, as shown in specific materials from Strážnice.

The article "O Moravském roku 1914" ("On the Moravian Year of 1914") was written by Professor Dušan Holý as a dialogue between the professor, one of his students, V. Ševčík and a colleague, Dr. M. Pavlicová. Holy denies that Journalist information on the ethnographic programmes, which took place in Brno in 1914, is true and presents an archival record which demonstrates that the event was carefully, if rather unprofessionally, prepared, but it was actually unfavorable weather that made it impossible.

A photographic Supplement to the Národopisná revue 3-4/1993 consists of a selection of photographs by Antonín Václavik from his book Luhačovské Zálesí. The selection ought to remind us that Prof. Václavík's legacy - his photodo-cumentation - is still waiting for someone to process it.

The last part of the double issue contains short articles, obituaries, reviews of folklore festivals, exhibitions and books. This time, Prof. D. Holý and Mgr. D. Štěpánková argue in the Errata column with the untrue and malevolent article of Dr. David Z. Scheffel (University College of the Cariboo) on the anthropologic ethics in Eastern Europe. They convict the author of misunderstanding and tendentious distortion.

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