The editors accept the abstracts relating to the forthcoming themes published on the Journal website (, or the requested studies. The contributions to other columns can be offered to the executive editor anytime ( or ); their inclusion as well as the selection of studies according to submitted abstracts will be done upon the positive decision of the editors with respect to the capacity of individual issues and their thematic orientation. The contributions are accepted in Czech, Slovak and English languages.
The authors are obliged to send their contributions (studies or news) in the electronic form in Microsoft Word editor. If not otherwise stipulated upon an agreement with the editors, the length of a contribution has to correspond to the specified ranges: studies and articles – max. 50 000 characters including gaps; news – max. 5 500; reviews – max. 7500 characters.
The study manuscript under the review procedure must include English written absctract (max. 800 characters), 5–7 key words, an alphabetic list of sources and quoted literature and a brief contact details of the author (institution and its adress, e-mail, ORCID). Notes or comments do not constitute a condition because they are intended to complete the text or to give a commentary thereon, not to refer to quoted literature. The quoted literature is to be referred to in the text in the Harvard style. The study manuscripts and the manuscripts of other contributions, which are not the subject of the review procedure, have to correspond to the Journal of Ethnology’s standards.
Because the contents of the Journal including the author’s contacts is spread and maintained in external bibliographical databases and the full-text version is published on the Journal’s Internet website, and also taking into account the valid legal standards in the field of author’s right and personal data protection, each author of a reviewed contribution is obliged – after the text has been approved in the review procedure – to sign prior to the publication of the issue an agreement, which solves the issues of mutual obligations in the field of author’s right and personal data protection.
The image enclosure is to be submitted in JPG (definition of 300 dpi at least), the legends are to include also the author of a photography (if known), the date and – if the photography is taken over from another publication – the exact bibliographical data incl. the page number. The photos are remunerated pursuant to scale of tariffs in force; therefore, it is necessary to submit also the personal data of their authors (see above). The editors do the language correction in accordance with the Journal of Ethnology’s standards.