The Journal of Ethnography 3/2003 focuses on various associations and societies and their attitude towards folk culture. Karel Altman deals with the position of Czech associations in Moravia (Czech Associations in Moravia and Folk Culture); Eva Večerková uses the same issue and offers a specific answer (Folk Culture in the Activities of Young Republicans in Moravia as Reflected in the Period Press). Irena Štěpánová in her study writes about a Prague women's physical exercise association in the late 19th and early 20th centuries (Feminity in a Female Activity. The Origins of the Exercising Girls and Ladies Association). Lenka Nováková is interested in the late 19th century activities of the Vesna Society in Brno (The Vesna Society and its Ethnographic Activities). The final article on associations is by Karel Pavlištík. He writes about social functions of the volunteer fire-fighting squads in the traditional rural environment at the end of the 19th and during the 20th centuries (The Volunteer
Fire-Fighting Squad as an Important Phenomenon in the Community Social Life Formation and in the Transformation of Customs and Traditions in Zlínsko.
The Looking Back column includes articles by Alena Schauerová (An Ethnographical Backward Look at the Double Anniversary of Teréza Nováková) and Michaela Benešová (On the 50th Anniverary of the Establishing of the Pilsen National Ensemble). The Social Chronicle column remembers the anniversaries of Ladislav Vašek (born 1928), dancer and dance pedagogue, and Anna Maděričová (born 1943), folklore movement personality. Other regular columns deal with conference and exhibition news, foreign travel reports, concert, festival and book reviews. The Istanbul Deklaration is repriented in the final pages of the journal. The declaration concerns the non-material cultural heritage and was agreed on by the UNESCO countries ministers of culture in 2002.