Scheduled themes

We invite you to submit the abstracts of your contributions to the 2025 and 2026 monothematic issues:

1/2025 (Dis)continuity of urban genius loci (completed)
2/2025 Social, cultural and geographical borders (completed)
3/2025 Housing in ethnological perspective (cempleted)
4/2025 Education and community (completed)

1/2026 Homo ludens and the present (editors are accepting the abstracts)
2/2026 Nomadism and other specific forms of migration (editors are accepting the abstracts)
3/2026 Family and Marriage in Contemporary Contexts (editors are accepting the abstracts)
4/2026 Festival as a socio-cultural phenomenon (editors are accepting the abstracts)

The abstracts to be sent to Lucie Uhlíková, the editor-in-chief: (